Your First Meeting

For a married couple, maximizing Social Security can often lead to over $100,000 more in lifetime benefits.

Not married? Divorced? We’ll review specifics of your unique situation, and based on those specifics, develop a plan.

I will then prepare a personalized report detailing the best strategy for you and how to implement it, step-by-step.

Going forward, I will be available to meet with you to review the progress of your plan or to help you make changes to it based on changes in your circumstances (a marriage, divorce, new child, change in income, etc.).

How to prepare for your Social Security Maximization Plan Meeting

During our meeting, I’ll need information about your Social Security account, and only you can request this information from the Social Security Administration. Here’s how to go about getting it. The first step is to relax. This is going to be about as difficult as establishing an account with Netflix.

First, if you have not already done so, please click on “Schedule An Appointment” here on this site, and fill out the form.

Next, go to

On the left side of the screen, click on “Get your Social Security Statement online”

At the bottom of the new page that appears, click the box that says “SIGN IN OR CREATE AN ACCOUNT.”

Here are the screens that will appear (click images to view larger)

Congratulations, you’re done! If you have scheduled an appointment, I will be in touch to confirm our visit; if you’ve requested that I get in touch via email, please check your inbox for an email from me. I look forward to meeting you and providing you with a path that will lead to you receiving all the Social Security benefits to which you are entitled.